
The below guides will quickly help you achieve your iFARES aims, and provide a step-by-step understanding of how to use the app.

Please note this page is under construction, with new guides being updated all the time. 

If you require support for an area of the app that does not yet have a complete guide, please contact iFARES Support using the Contact page or the chat options at the bottom right of the screen.

iFARES Training Guides

Creating a Fare
From the Dashboard screen (or any other main screen) within iFARES®, tap the Add Fare button from the quick launch menu:

The Add Fare screen is presented, with the number pad already selected to add a fare amount.

This uses right-to-left entry, so to enter a fare amount of £20.00 simply tap 2..0..0..0 (the decimal place will be entered automatically)

Having completed the amount, in the majority of instances the fare can be saved (if all other details are correct) by tapping the Tick icon in the top right hand corner of the screen.

If other details require amending, before pressing tick, update the areas of the fare that need amendment (fares can also be edited at a later time if required).

The Date, Time, Fare Type, and Payment Type will have automatically defaulted to the current date time, and the Fare Type and Payment Type default values specified in your profile.  All can be updated if needed by tapping on the field to change, and this should be done before tapping the tick icon.

When adding a new fare, the Destination value for the fare is automatically populated based on your current location.

If you’d like to update this value, or add additional fare values for Client Name, Client Phone Number, Pickup Location, or make some Notes about the fare, select the More Detail slider, and these additional fields will be presented to receive data entry.

Tap each field as needed and enter the information you need to store.

When updating an address in iFARES (e.g. Destination), start typing the address you require.  As you type, the app will suggest the address you are looking for.

Once the correct address selection is presented, select it and it will be added to the address field.

Having saved the fare, you’ll be returned to the Today screen in the App, and the fare record you created will be displayed in the list of today’s fares, with the amount included in the totals displayed at the top.


Creating a Future Booking

Create future bookings are in the below video:

Using the Dashboard

Using the Dashboard – Under Construction

Today's Fares

Today’s Fares – Under Construction

Viewing a Fare

View fare – under construction

Today's Bookings

Today’s Bookings – under construction

View Booking

View Booking – under construction

All Bookings

View All Bookings – under construction

All Fares – sorting and filtering

All fares – under construction

Exporting/Sending Fares

Export Fares – Under Construction

Sharing iFARES

share ifares – under construction

Password Resets

Reset your password – under construction

Subscribing to iFARES

iFARES Subscription – under construction

Deleting a Fare

Deleting a Fare – under construction

Deleting your iFARES Account

Deleting your account – under construction